In History

3000 B.C      Shen Nong discovered tea and started to cultivate it

2000 B.C      Zhou Dynasty , King Wen said he recieved tea as tribute from tribal heads

300 B.C      Fresh leaves were boiled with water, got to be dalily beverage

221 - 206 B.C     Qin Dynasty, Shangdong governor Liu Kun wrote , his nephew sent some "real Tea" when he
                       was feeling old and depressed

317 - 420    Easten Jin Dynasty, Poet described " Fragrant tea superimposes the six passions; the taste for it
                  spreads over the nine districts"

347     A book about tea by Chang Ju, Traetise on the Kingdom of Huayang

467     Chinese records noted tea was bigun to use to bater trade with Turkic Peoples

500      A oldest medicine book , Shen Nong's Canon of Medicinal Herbs

618 - 907    Tang Dynasty , Tea drinking became an art

674 - 680      An inventive woman o fthe Tang dynasty, who is knwon only as the daughter of the military official Cui Ning,
              mad e amajor contribution to tea equipmetn- the saucer ..

729         Tang Dynasty, Emperor Shomu served tea to a 100 Japanese Monks, then the Japanese surmise that
                 brought back tea was their mission to China

733 - 804    Lu Yu achieved a famouse book " The Book of Tea "

960 - 1279    Song Dynasty allowed for more subsidiary crops , this became possible for tea to move from
                  Luxury role to a necessity

1107      A book by Song Dynasty King Hui Zong , Treatise on Tea (Da Guan Cha Lun)

1012      The greatest tea tasters probably were burn in

1285      Kublai Khan Marco Polo in his Polo Travels wrote, finance minister had been reprimanded for
              enforcing the tea tax too ruthlessly

1610      The first tea reached Europe on Dutch ships from Java

1610      The value of tea as a commodity had been recognized

1610      The potters and porcelain first brought to Europe by the Dutch , then widely popular in their country by 1675

1620      Smoking inducted with tobacco made the drug easy to use. Demark rose and Portugese merchants, followed by
              British, added to the Chinese stocks. Easy access to opium spurred by its dealers' profit motive caused a runaway spiral of addiction.

1630s on     The Dutch, Europe's first tea drinkers did not begin us milk , but often with saffron, ginger, nutmeg, and salt.

1637      In Dutch East India Co. Journey dairy : As tea begins to come int o use by some of people , we expected some jors of Chinese as well
              as Japanese tea with each ship"

1637      Peter Mundy , a Chinese samovar , chronicled his arrival with 1st Brithish ship to Macao, developed a Chinese teapot taht sat atop a brass
              charcoal burner. said by famous tea authority Willianm Ukers

1650     Peter Stuyvesant , an American, introduced tea to Dutch colony New Amsterdam, made the American could drink tea before Bitishmen ,

              then from there tea spread throught out North America

1655     A member of Dutch East India Co. delegated to the Chinese emperor. Officials who entertained them at dinner in Guangzhou (Canton) served
              very hot tea boiled down by a third and drunk with one-fourth warm milk and a little salt.

1658      a solid evidence of the sale of tea in England is a newspaper advertisement for the Thomas Garway coffeehouse in London. It read: " That
              excellent and by all Physitians approved drink called by the Chineans tcha, by other nations Tay alias Tea is sold at
              the Sultaness Head a cophee house in sweeting Rents by the Royal Exchange London." The price up to 6 ~ 10 pounds sterling
              per pound of tea (210 ~335 HKD/Kg today)

1660      Charles II came to the throne in Restoration , the East India Co. presented the royal couples two pounds of tea to anxiousely win their favor,
              although the tea was brought from a coffeehouse.

1660     The Carway's London broadsheet declares : "being prepared with Milk and Water, strengtheneth the inward parts. "

1670     The East India Co. started to import tea from Orient.

1674     When the British took over New Amsterdam from the Dutch and renamed it New York, they found themselves with a colony that probably drank
              drank more tea than all England.

1675      Tea was availabel in food stores and was in general use in Holland

1670     Tea added Milk was invented by Madamede la sabilere. by madame de Sevigny, whose letters published remarked the idea origin, even some
              think it was from Germany or France . But the custom of milk, carried over to Britain,
              and became to England norm.

1684     The East India Co. established his 1st company at Canton , soon tea made over 90% export trade of China to England, then silk, chinaware ,
              other ceramics. Tea authoriities Joel, David, and Karl schapira perceptively observe: " tea was served a smuch for
              its strangeness as for its taste. Drinking tea was one way aristocrats of the West could participate in the exciting
               voyages of discovery being made in their age. Tea trade was a respectalbe occupation, who took it, for example
              in East India Co., economists James Mill and his son John stuart Mill, novelist Thomas Love Peacock, & essayist Chales Lamb.

1689-1880    Treaty of Nerchinsk accutioned , at board of north Ulan Bator, started USS-China tea special for brick tea and furs caravan trade, then to
                  Guangzhou and HanKo

1690     Tea Historial Persons in Irving's famouse short story<>:"Two Bostonians in 1690 became the first English colonists licensed to import tea.
              One was Zabdiel Boylston, an apothecary, who advertised :'green and ordinary' teas at retail."

1700      Russia was receiving over 600 camel loads of tea annually

1701      "The Tea-Smitten Ladies" : The craze for tea parties finally resulted in the ruin of many homes

1703     two alchemists achieved a hard-paste red porcelain

1710     two alchemists achieved white porcelain . Augustus mad eBoettger head of Europe's first porcelain factory at meissen, a village near dresden.

              its tea sets and dresden (Meissen ) China figurines became known worldwide.

1717      A great Tea businessman opene dhis 1st teahouse , but took his 1st cup of tea in 1660 and a druggist recommended tea to his wife for her cold
              in 1667

1725      For over a century and a half following the first law against adulteration in this year, various other tea regulations were passed, but it wasn't
              until 1875 that legislation finally was successful in halting the practice.

1732-1800s     The greatest and longest-lived tea park , Vauxhall on the Thames near Vauxhall Bridge.

1767     the British parliament passed the infamous act imposing duties on tea an dother commodities imported by the American colonists.
              The colonists resisted by smuggling in tea from Holland.
1769      British tea annual imports reached 4.5 million tons.

1773     the British East India Co. already in financial trouble for internal reasons, had a surplus of 17 million pounds of tea in danger of goin stale.
               So parliament wrote off the company's debts, gave it a loan, an dgranted it a monopoly in the colonies through its chosen agents.
              This drove other American sellers into the legions of disgruntled citizens. The tea tax was symbolic o fmany other grievances, and
              "taxation without representation" became a rallying cry.

1773      on Dec. 16th, in the Boston Tea Party, an unbearable anger erupted.

1788     British East India Company had entertained the possibility of growing tea in India

1793      Japanese Embassy visited China , fetch tea seed, and had grown it at home after two decades.

1800     The opium trade was providing British with the answer to her over budget debet from tea imports.

1823     Major Robert Bruce had actually discovered an indigenous tea used by native people in India's Assam while living with them
              after the conquest of this remote area.

1830s     The British East India Co. Tea committee circulated a questionnaire to all company employees inquiring about locations with suitable climate
               and altitude. Bruce's brother , Charlie sent specimen branches to the BEI botanical gardens at Calcutta, but they were rejected as being
              another form of the flower camelia around 1825. Finally in 1830s, Charles Bruce replied by sending actual tea seeds, plants, and
              processed leaves from Assam. The find was declard "the most important and valuable" ever made on agricultural or commercial
              resources of the Empire.

1833     Parliament had repealed the Navigation Acts. Intended to give the British an advantage over the Dutch in shipping ,
               these had specified that only British ships (or Chinese, but there were none so large) could carry Chinese tea to Britain.
               The repeal provided the opportunity for the faster U.S. ships to enter the British trade.

1839     The Chinese official sent to end opium importation. First Opium War broken.

1839     The first Assam-grown tea was sold. By this time, China's secret seems to have been out, for the company began importing seeds from China.

1840s     Anna , seventh duchess of Bedford, started afternoon tea in England, and it became an institution.

1843     Treaty of Nanking at the end o fthe First Opium War ceded HongKong to Britain and permitted foreign vessels to enter four more
              Chinese ports including Canton.

1848     BEI Co. sent the botanist Scottish Robert Fortune to China for plants, expert workmen, and tools. Disguised as a Chinese, he had earlier entered the
               forbidden interior of China in order to collect plants and seeds. Who resealed that different processing of green and black tea from same plants.

1845     February 22th , the first true clipper with all of its features was the Rainbow, designed by John Willis Griffiths, she made the trip in 102 days ,
               16 days fewer than any vessel previously, and so fast that she was the first to bring back to New York tha news of her arrival in Canton.

1849     Sea Witch made all time record for its trip form canton to sandy Hook near New York City on March 25, 74 days and 14 hours.

1850     The Oriental, the first U.S. vessel to take Chinese tea to Longdon, reached therre in Dcember. It took only 97 days out fo Hong Kong,
               far faster than any British ship had ever made the trip.

1850s     The last London tea garden closed .

1850     A.B.C . WHipple in The Clipper Ships makes the astonishing statement that in 1850's a fifth of every household's goods in Salem,
              Massachusetts, came from China.

1857-1860     The 2nd Opium War consisted.

1859     The British East India Company, though it held on in India until 1859, could no longer claim a monopoly on the tea trade. Many competitors now.

1860-1870    Opium imports grew tenfold, reached a hundred thousand chests a year. A legitimate item of commerce remained untill 1908 to 1918 so on

1866     The greatest race took place with an all-British cast of forty vessels.

1870     Ceylon, a formerly coffee grower, became a producer of high quality tea after the crop was introduced as an answer to a coffee blight.

1871     The last race was raised. when steamships had nearly replaced the clippers, an dthe opening of the Suez Canal had already cut
              weeks off the sailing voyage from Asia.

1886     A new tea phenomenon appeared, tea shop. Example large one like Lyons, served food too, florish for cottage.

1899 - 1966      China's great novelist and playwright Lao she created a famouse play Teahouse, which was a micrososm of urban life.

1904      The first striking invention changed the tea style at the st. Louis World's fair . The tea merchants had set up a colorful Far East House complete with
              several trubaned Indians to promote Indian Black Tea. The weather was scorching and nobody was buying the hot beverage. The British
              Richard Blechynden, who was in charge, in desperation thought of pouring his tea over ice. This was a hit. Iced tea is now drunk by the Gallon
               in the southern United States, and out of the total of 46 billion servings in the nation as a whole, 37 billion araea iced.

1908     The second event is Tea Bag.New York importer Thomas Sullivan sent out samples of hsi various kinds sewn into little silk bags. Someone
              mistakenly made an infusion with the leaves still in the bag, and soon Sullivan's customers were complaining when his tea was was not in bags.
              Now half of all tea drunk in the United States is made with tea bags, and the amount used continues to grow.

2006      Mar. 25th 2006 first time tasted Rainflower Tea, the God's gift. Mar. 23th 2006 at around 16:30 PM caught "Archilochus colubris" has been
               fluted ... ~

2016      III, NY.WATCH, PRT, L.G, TL.W

2022     2022年12月逝世人物列表              



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